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Pool Temperature Sensor Custom Built Enhancement Module

Smart Home Products  >  Home Automation C-Bus  >  Clipsal ... Units

Pool Temperature Sensor Custom Built Enhancement Module
Sale price: $95.00
Nous House provides a custom temperature resolution enhancement circuit board (that uses a circuit published by Clipsal in the help files for the general input unit) to enhance the temperature resolution of these and other thermistor type sensors in the lower temperature ranges like pools etc, from degrees change down to sub-degrees.

These modules are custom built to order and are supplied only as a service for clients using Nous House's installation services. They are not a directly purchasable 'product' as such without full installation service accompanying the order.

Nous House has found the circuit provided by Clipsal to be useful in enhancing sensor accuracy, and it does what it states in the help files. please note our module is merely a copy of the circuit built on veroboard and is not a researched, engineered or specifically licenced product. They are supplied only on an 'All care no liabliity accepted basis - as is basis' should you wish to use them, at your option.
Sale price: $95.00