Whilst the term Home Theatre is fairly self evident of what it's nature is, it has ended upbeing used as a generic term that doesn't truly convey the extent of variability between what home owners are trying to achieve. In many cases, the Home Theatre is actually better referred to as a Media Room, where multimedia of many different types are explored and enjoyed including gaming and internet media.
In my mind, a true Home Theatre is a room specifically designed and purposefully built for the re-creation of the impact, atmosphere and 'professional feel' of a real theatre, ie a true cinema experience. Obviously a Media Room has a similar 'interface' with its 'patrons' but is more likely used on a far more frequent basis, most often daily than a true Home Theatre, which is perhaps used for a weekly special family social event.
Whilst I realise this definition is to a degree only semantical, it does have bearing on the design, budget and functionality placed into the particular room and considerations made to supports its use. It is analoguous to the difference in a corporate office between the fitout of a normal meeting room versus the Board Room, with all its implied pomp and ceremony. Media Rooms are multipurpose enclaves for the family to use for a variety of leisure activities, whilst a Home Theatre is particular in purpose, for the enjoyment of the cinema experience by those who enjoy the social nature of the shared cinematic experience. A true Home Theatre will probably cost about 50%-100% more than a similar sized Media Room due to the additional attention to detail in recreating the true theatre atmosphere, with the money spent in areas like theatre specific seating, room acoustics and sound treatments, exceptional quality projection systems and lenses, special effects lighting, purpose built sound systems and higher quality video source equipment, all designed to mimic a commercial Digital Cinema.
Nous House has a number fo products on our website that could be called 'Home Theatre Products', be it projector or receiver amplifiers or speakers or what not. But these products are not truly Home Theatre unless designed into a system specifically tailored to provide that function. In the following pages I will elaborate on many of the technologies in a Home Theatre (and most are also relevant for a Media Room), and there are links to those products in our range for people who would like to DIY it, or Do It Yourself.
What will become evident in your research is that there is a wide range of quality between the lowest unit that can provide a function and the high end and that is easily guaged by the cost. Generally speaking, like most things in life, the more you pay the higher the quality, but the best designed system is one where the expetations of the home owner are met with appropraite emphasis on the functional units that the owner particularly enjoys.
To make the task of aligning product features a bit easier, over the next month we will be adding a rating system to all the listed devices in our Home Theatre range to give you a better understanding of their value positioning. The ratings will range from 'General Purpose Use', to 'Media Room', to ' Home Theatre' to 'Premium Cinema Experience'. But be aware that many of the products in the Premium Cinema Experience category are contractually not allowed to be sold online and can only be ordered through our company as part of a custom design and installation.
We think it is helpful to have these different ratings categories as we believe there is no point having a hugely expensive great hulking audio system for someone who likes average listening levels or has a smaller room and no point having a top of the line 4k projection system (highest currently available resolution, but twice a digital commercial cinemas standard of 2k) for media sourced primarily from the internet or from $5 re-release DVDs. Home Theatre systems need to be tailored and harmonised from top to bottom ensuring the quality is equitable throughout the whole room and within the budget allocated.
If you truly want to recreate the Home Theatre experience in your home as described above, I strongly urge you to contact us for a face to face meeting where we can better understand your aspirations, needs and plans and can then put together a complete package solution for you, most probably using some custom install products not available for online sale and that is harmonised in technology choice, meets your budgetary expectations and is heavy on pizazz, and after installation provides the true 'WOW Factor'.
A Runco projector perfectly finishes off an amazing looking Home Theatre
by Brad Merrick - Technical Director - Nous House - (© 2012)
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